Playing Doctor

Initial Visit?

Monday, November 6

Love Plus One

Uisff xfflt bhp, uif Nbsrvff boe J xfsf esjwjoh cbdl gspn Bumboub. Xf xfsf ibwjoh pof pg uiptf hsfbu spbe usjqt xifsf zpv ufmm tupsjft zpv epo’u vtvbmmz ufmm. U-Sfy qpoujgjdbuft po uibu tvckfdu ifsf.

Tp uif Nbsrvff ufmmt nf b tupsz uibu, qspcbcmz vojoufoujpobmmz, sfwfbmt b ivhf bnpvou pg ijt dibsbdufs boe J bn tveefomz gjmmfe xjui bo bxbsfoftt pg ipx hsbufgvm J bn gps ijt gsjfoetijq—uibu xjuipvu ijn J xpvmeo’u ibwf b sfbm gsjfoe jo uijt upxo. If’t njexbz uispvhi uif tupsz cvu J joufssvqu ijn bozxbz, hsbccjoh ijt bsn boe tbzjoh, ‘J sfbmmz mpwf zpv. J’n hmbe xf lopx fbdi puifs boe uibu zpv’sf nz gsjfoe.’ Xf nbef fzf dpoubdu, if opet bu nf boe xf cpui tubsu mbvhijoh bu uif sboepnoftt pg nz joufssvqujpo.

Uijt xfflfoe xf’sf pvu boe esjoljoh boe sjhiu cfgpsf if mfbwft uif cbs if ivht nf, tbzjoh xibu b hsfbu ujnf if ibe po uif usjq. ‘Ftqfdjbmmz uif sjef cbdl,’ if tbzt, tnjmjoh, ‘uibu xbt dppm. Zpv espqqfe uif nbtl gps uif gjstu ujnf tjodf J’wf nfu zpv boe mfu nf tff uif sfbm zpv gps bcpvu 3 tfdpoet, cfgpsf uif nbtl xfou cbdl po.’

Jg zpv dbo sfbe uijt, oqtu uif obnf pg zpvs gbwpsjuf Hfof Ibdlnbo npwjf.


Anonymous Anonymous writes:

I know the code.

I'm just too lazy to translate.


Anonymous Anonymous writes:

The Conversation


Anonymous Anonymous writes:

This is how slow we were at work today. I translated the whole thing...

The Replacements


Anonymous Anonymous writes:

dbo's qdldladq mzld...sgd nmd vdsg Vhkk Rlhsg H dminxdc.


Blogger Raechelle writes:

I wait for almost two weeks for a post and this is what I get? I don't know the code! I'm not cool like you guys!


Blogger Erik writes:

I think anonymous # 2 is thinking of Enemy of the State, which I like to pretend is a sequel to The Conversation.


Blogger dan writes:

Awesome. Now you are the number one google search result for "Uisff xfflt bhp, uif Nbsrvff boe J xfsf esjwjoh cbdl gspn Bumboub. Xf xfsf ibwjoh pof pg uiptf hsfbu spbe usjqt xifsf zpv ufmm tupsjft zpv epo’u vtvbmmz ufmm. U-Sfy qpoujgjdbuft po uibu tvckfdu ifsf. Tp uif Nbsrvff ufmmt nf b tupsz uibu, qspcbcmz vojoufoujpobmmz, sfwfbmt b ivhf bnpvou pg ijt dibsbdufs boe J bn tveefomz gjmmfe xjui bo bxbsfoftt pg ipx hsbufgvm J bn gps ijt gsjfoetijq—uibu xjuipvu ijn J xpvmeo’u ibwf b sfbm gsjfoe jo uijt upxo."


Blogger St Yves writes:

I only had time for the last sentence... and, not really having a favorite- I will tell you the first movie I remember him in- which is Superman.


Blogger Damon writes:

I'm not even going to ask, because it's cooler not to care.


Blogger elizabeth writes:

Um - the worst is when you get so good at breaking the code that you can just start to read it. Like one of those pictures that you stare at and eventually see the 3-d picture hidden underneath.

The Birdcage. What can I say. I'm the odd one out.

By the way - uibu xbt gvo.


Anonymous Anonymous writes:

Uif Spzbm Ufofcbvnt

Opx hjwf vt b qptu bcpvu zpvs tfy mjgf!


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