Time To Cut Back the Mulgrew
I’m afraid I’ve allowed things to back up.
My stack of unread medical journals has produced offspring and there are now three stacks in the corner, taunting me. I have an unwritten grant proposal in the lower left-hand corner of my desktop. In-service exam reviews have not been reviewed. Fellowships applications have not been filled out. Friends have been ignored. I haven’t swept in months.
In short, I have become a sloth.
So I’m putting Playing Doctor on a late-summer hiatus. I’m taking the rest of September off. I’m going to clear my desk, hang with people, and recharge my noggin.
But I suppose I need some sort of season-end cliff-hanger, something to leave you wondering who will survive, what changes you can expect next season, what turns the stories might take.
So here’s a little season wrap-up for the blog and what happens next:
I’ve established myself as The Good Doctor, albeit with a fucked-up social life, letting the hubris build to a gravity inducing mass.
This fall, I’ll be feeling gravity’s pull and taking that fall...