Time To Cut Back the Mulgrew
I’m afraid I’ve allowed things to back up.
My stack of unread medical journals has produced offspring and there are now three stacks in the corner, taunting me. I have an unwritten grant proposal in the lower left-hand corner of my desktop. In-service exam reviews have not been reviewed. Fellowships applications have not been filled out. Friends have been ignored. I haven’t swept in months.
In short, I have become a sloth.
So I’m putting Playing Doctor on a late-summer hiatus. I’m taking the rest of September off. I’m going to clear my desk, hang with people, and recharge my noggin.
But I suppose I need some sort of season-end cliff-hanger, something to leave you wondering who will survive, what changes you can expect next season, what turns the stories might take.
So here’s a little season wrap-up for the blog and what happens next:
I’ve established myself as The Good Doctor, albeit with a fucked-up social life, letting the hubris build to a gravity inducing mass.
This fall, I’ll be feeling gravity’s pull and taking that fall...
jd writes:
May your time away be fruitful!
dan writes:
Booooo. You don't think the rest of us are neglecting work??!? Friends?!? Obligations?!?? I thought we were all working toward a simultaneous burn-out of epic proportions!?! Forget it, I'll go it alone.
dan writes:
PS is that you metaphorically tending your garden in revealingly suggestive overalls?
Grr. That's right... weed that garden... weed it good...
tsokolove writes:
What a weird time to go off air. You do realise this is the start of the Fall season. Good thing for you I'm addicted to three new shows to keep me busy.
hot babe writes:
You realize that I'm working full time, going to school, and still maintaining some semblance of a social life all while keeping up a blog. Get back to work. The garden looks too far gone anyway. You've got readers to entertain.
Anonymous writes:
Good for you. Take a break. Chill. Play a video game. Call your brother. Hope to see you at thanksgiving time. The pigs need attention.
Erik writes:
If you want some new material (or in the lingo of television: material that is new to you) there are some easter eggs in the Cool week series I did in early June.
Damon writes:
Hey Erik, haven't heard from you in a while. Just played catch-up with your blog. I hear you did some wining and dining with beware of the Todd.
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