I have been enjoying your blog for a while. I forget how I came to it. But one thing puzzles me that this entry brings out. You have carefully used gender neutral pronouns for your romantic interest, usually a sign of someone who is gay. Now you have the toaster comment - you get one when you recruit another gay. So what's with the girlfriend? Just a past life? Inquiring minds want to know.
Papa Mark can't figure out how someone who, admittedly, loves toast could live without a toaster. I think he understood the metaphor, but missed the reason(s) behind the very linear thought of "this guy doesn't have a toaster!!!"
I think one exclamation point would have sufficed. Nothing involving toast is that exciting.
While we're on the subject, why does Papa Mark end one question with a period and the next with five question marks? Is there some significance to multiple question marks? I understand a combination of punctuations could be useful: '?!?' is a question that is exclaimed. But as far as I know, multiple question marks are rather nonsensical. Does it mean that the question is absolutely befuddling?
Perhaps the meaning of punctuation as applied during chess notation could be applied here?
Sometimes additional commentary is added to the end of the notation to describe the move in more detail. Here are a few symbols along with their meanings: !! - Brilliant move ! - Good move !? - Interesting move ?! - Dubious move ? - Bad move ?? - Blunder
Perhaps it is an extreme blunder not to have a toaster?
dan writes:
Anonymous writes:
Anonymous writes:
Erik writes:
Anonymous writes:
Erik writes:
Anonymous writes:
Anonymous writes:
Anonymous writes:
Erik writes:
Anonymous writes:
please explain
So you've recruited another gay Albanian? Did you know HRC is giving away coffee pots for gay Swedes?
You don't even have a toaster.... what do you mean "another" toaster. How can you NOT have a toaster?????
Good God, Papa Mark. Do I have to explain the concept of 'metaphor' to you again?
Maybe you should take notes this time.
I have been enjoying your blog for a while. I forget how I came to it. But one thing puzzles me that this entry brings out. You have carefully used gender neutral pronouns for your romantic interest, usually a sign of someone who is gay. Now you have the toaster comment - you get one when you recruit another gay. So what's with the girlfriend? Just a past life? Inquiring minds want to know.
Dear Josh,
Thanks for the interest! I'm glad you're enjoying the blog.
Holy Smoke! Does Fred Phelps read the comments on your blog? http://www.365gay.com/newscon05/08/082305sweden.htm
Thanks for clearing that up :)
Papa Mark can't figure out how someone who, admittedly, loves toast could live without a toaster. I think he understood the metaphor, but missed the reason(s) behind the very linear thought of "this guy doesn't have a toaster!!!"
I think one exclamation point would have sufficed. Nothing involving toast is that exciting.
While we're on the subject, why does Papa Mark end one question with a period and the next with five question marks? Is there some significance to multiple question marks? I understand a combination of punctuations could be useful: '?!?' is a question that is exclaimed. But as far as I know, multiple question marks are rather nonsensical. Does it mean that the question is absolutely befuddling?
Perhaps the meaning of punctuation as applied during chess notation could be applied here?
Sometimes additional commentary is added to the end of the notation to describe the move in more detail. Here are a few symbols along with their meanings:
!! - Brilliant move
! - Good move
!? - Interesting move
?! - Dubious move
? - Bad move
?? - Blunder
Perhaps it is an extreme blunder not to have a toaster?
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