So this is kind of different: I came out to my car yesterday morning and an envelope was under my windshield.
This is what was written on the outside of the envelope:
I recognized the perfect script of the (woman’s?) handwriting; so I wasn’t suprized to find a new In/Out list inside the envelope. But I’m not sure why I received it, I haven’t given any signal asking for one, and the headaches haven’t been particularly bad lately. Here it is anyway.
This is what was written on the outside of the envelope:
Somebody told us what we wanted to be,
it was candy for the mind.
It was fantasy and fantasy galore.
It was everything we ever wanted,
It was that and so much more.
Damn it all,
Damn everything
but the circus.
Wonder who said that?
I recognized the perfect script of the (woman’s?) handwriting; so I wasn’t suprized to find a new In/Out list inside the envelope. But I’m not sure why I received it, I haven’t given any signal asking for one, and the headaches haven’t been particularly bad lately. Here it is anyway.
In | Out |
Promiscuity | Discretion |
Alienware | Dell |
The Jody Grind | The White Stripes |
Berries | Legumes |
Pink | Aquamarine |
Ninjas | Wonks |
Discretion | Open-mindedness |
Gazpacho | Chicken and Stars |
Community Athletics | Television Programs |
Aspirin | Plavix |
Futurism | Nostalgia |
Oregon Pinot Noir | Australian Shiraz |
‘Soup Spoon’ Tricepts | ‘Washboard’ Abs |
Architecture | Sculpture |
Magazines | Short Stories |
Earnest Pretention | False Humility |
Lunar Park by Bret Easton Ellis | Laguna Beach on MTV |
Slack Lalane | Jason Mulgrew |
Ace Cowboy writes:
Jason writes:
dan writes:
Anonymous writes:
dan writes:
Anonymous writes:
hot babe writes:
This guy knows what he's talkin' about...
This guy sucks.
Uh oh. Looks like someone's got a new nemesis. *cough* [dan slowly takes a few steps backwards]...
So Discretion is both in and out? Well, at least Promiscuity is back in. Isn't Earnest Pretention an oxymoron?
Main Entry: discretion
Pronunciation: dis-'kre-sh&n
Function: noun
1 : the quality of being discreet
2 : ability to make responsible decisions
3 a : individual choice or judgment b : power of free decision or latitude of choice within certain legal bounds
4 : the result of separating or distinguishing
Main Entry: pretension
Pronunciation: pri-'ten(t)-sh&n
Function: noun
1 : an allegation of doubtful value : PRETEXT
2 : a claim or an effort to establish a claim
3 : a claim or right to attention or honor because of merit
When you quote the dictionary, you probably shouldn't edit it to suit your argument. The full entry:
4 : an aspiration or intention that may or may not reach fulfillment
Jason Mulgrew? Shit that good does not go out.
Promiscuity is back in? Thank god. Now I can just be me again.
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