Pablo Picasso Was Not an Asshole
I have written before about saying things that I have regretted. Things that have hurt people. But occasionally, I give in to the dark side of the force and insult someone while having them thank me for it.
Jedi Mind Tricks are all in the timing and intonation.
Jedi Mind Tricks are all in the timing and intonation.
At dinner, someone says, ‘Let me order the wine. If I can say something pretentious: I took a wine course at a community college last year.’
‘I don’t think that’s pretentious,’ I say.
‘Well, maybe just a little pretentious,’ they say, proudly.
I think about saying, ‘not even a little pretentious,’ but decide I am pressing my luck and say nothing.
At a nightclub someone says, ‘I don’t know why I’m still single. I think people underestimate me.’
‘I don’t think people underestimate you,’ I say.
‘Erik, you are so sweet,’ they say.
No. No, really I’m not.
‘This is not the asshole you are looking for.’
Unknown writes:
hot babe writes:
It takes a certain kind of wit and humor to pull that off - and you have it - love your blog...
Tis is why I read your blog.
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