Playing Doctor

Initial Visit?

Monday, April 25

Big Fish

I have a cold and was out of my mind on cold medicines this weekend, so I went through 48 hours of napping and watching movies and random television. Last night I saw the movie Big Fish and I don’t know if it was just the pseudoephedrine induced stupor, but I found it amazing.

First—again, it might just be the pharmaceuticals talking—it wasn’t really as compelling as Tim Burton’s other movies. Many of the scenes, taken individually, were a bit staid. But I did find the concept story compelling. Ostensibly, it is the story of Telemachus trying to make sense of Odysseus and his stories. But perhaps more compellingly, it’s a retelling of Death of a Salesman, while refuting its tragedy.

But that is only its structure.

What made it so enjoyable and fulfilling for me was its celebration of stories, storytelling as well as a personal and social mythology. Refuting the notion that the facts and figures are what make a story important should not be revelatory, but Burton follows this to its logical conclusion, which turns out to be a revelation.

Anyway, if you care about stories and storytelling, I recommend it. Especially if you are waking up from a pseudoephedrine induced disrupted sleep cycle.


Anonymous Anonymous writes:

Sorry to hear that you have a cold!


Blogger dan writes:

Woah, you are giving that movie WAY more credit than it deserves because it sucked butt (that's as eloquent as I can get) and I can pretty much promise you that not once during the filming of Big Fish did Tim Burton ever consider Telemachus or Odysseus or Death of a Salesman. Warner Brothers should hire you as a script consultant.

Blame it on the pseudoephedrine.


Blogger nycbabylon writes:

I had the flu and also enjoyed Big Fish. I attribute it to my 103degree fever.


Anonymous Anonymous writes:

pseudoephedrine = key ingredient to Meth. Iowa = Meth capital of the world. hmmmmmm.


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