Playing Doctor

Initial Visit?

Wednesday, January 12

Uncynical Wednesdays


Blogger hot babe writes:

OK, so if I knew where that was I would go there without question right now. Well, unless there was rock climbing or any kind of real heavy hiking involved. OK, I'll stay sitting in my little cubicle for now.


Blogger Unknown writes:

It is outside of Lexington, Virginia - otherwise know an "Gods Country" - a truly beautiful place.


Blogger hot babe writes:

I can handle $12. But will it cause me to have to "work" to get there? I'm not a fan of sweating. Really, any exercise is against my religion. It's beautiful. But if it's god's country, then I shouldn't exercise to get there. Don't need god being any more angry at me because I broke the no exercise rule.


Blogger hot babe writes:

I'm so going there sometime. If the temp is above zero there right now then I'm on a plane to go see the natural bridge today. Our high today is -2.


Blogger hot babe writes:

I'm booking my flight right there tomorrow 10:17pm.


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